Malliana-Affreville-El-khemis mon Amour.

The first MOSQUE IN INDIA !!!


These  are  pictures  of  the  first  Masjid or Mosque  in  India, in a place called Kodangallur in Kerala. The story about this Masjid is that the king of that place,Raja  Rama Kulasekhara accepted Islam at the hands
of the Sahabi of RasoolAllah  (SAS),  Malik Ibn Deenar (RA) (not the Tabayi
of the same name but the  Sahabi)  who came here in 4 Hijri. He gave him
and his companions land to  build  a  masjid  which  was  built by local
carpenters. It resembles a Kerala  temple in construction and has a
brass lamp for lighting. Inside it has  a  minbar and mihraab. Just
outside the main chamber are the graves of the  son of Malik Deenar's
son and his wife. Malik Deenar (RA) himself left this place and went to
Kasargod where his grave is It  is  said that Raja Rama Kulasekhara then left to go to meet
RasoolAllah (SAS)  but  died enroute (or maybe after he met Him,and  is  buried  in Salala in Oman. Can
someone in Oman verify this please? Jazakallahu khairan.
This  masjid also had the dubious honor of a visit by the current
President of  India  who predictably called it a symbol of secularism.
How a place of worship  can  be  a  symbol of godlessness is something
which only a rocket scientist can understand, it seems.
At any rate this masjid is historic proof that Islam has been in India
from 629  AD  (4  Hijri) for 1376 years. So much for the BJP theories of
Muslims being new comers to India.


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