Malliana-Affreville-El-khemis mon Amour.

American’s Attitude towards Muslims or the distorted image

American’s Attitude towards Muslims or the distorted image
It would be so important to stress at first that all Americans agree that America was founded on the idea of religious freedom for everyone, including religious groups that are even unpopular, sooth to say that ninety-five percent of Americans agree that all religious Books and tenets should be treated with respect even if  they don’t share the religious beliefs of those who use them, moreover , Americans’ views of Muslims and Islam are mixed, as with other previously marginalized religious groups in U.S. history, Americans are grappling with the questions Islam poses to America’s founding principles and way of life.

Nevertheless, the United States is considerably more religious than any of its economically developed Western counterparts, it was indicated  in some polls that 93 percent of Americans said they believed in God or a universal spirit, 86 percent claimed affiliation with a specific religious denomination, and 67 percent reported membership in a church or synagogue.

Taking into account the recent developments on the scene whether in Europe or in the United States , it is crystal clear that Muslims living abroad are  becoming more civically and politically engaged with their local communities and government, whether it is local, state or federal.
The Muslim American community has come a long way in the aftermath of the “so called” 9/11 attacks, although, the well known common Answer: “Hollywood can create anything” obviously, Americans are urged to deal with the realities of Islam phobia, anti-Muslim bigotry and hate crimes while at the same time and so as to continue the momentum for positive change, the Muslim American community should persist in doing good work to remain a vibrant sector of that fabric.
Taking into account the statements of Muslim leaders who have shown a variety of resentments about US policies, it is clear to note that Muslims share the worldwide view that the US does not live up to its own ideals of international law and democracy and it is absolutely true from all points that the specific complaints that the US favouring “Israel” over the Palestinians and the Muslim World as a whole, no wonder  the US exploits the Middle East for its oil and that it hypocritically supports non-democratic  and “henpecked” governments in this region that accommodate its interests up to now these scornful attitudes persist , as a result of these fallacious and nonsense attitude ,there is seems to be a perception that the US has entered into a war against Islam itself.

 Despite all these wicked manoeuvres in view of distorting the reality, US public opinion is having significant consequences on the ground as we are seeing vividly in both Afghanistan and Iraq today, this because Uncle Sam’s Administration is acting on its own initiative, without multilateral approval, these public feelings are also apt to be highly focused at the US itself, and the fact is that  Worldwide Muslims are contemplating the US presence as a threat for the country, its people and the future generations as a whole, and are surely aware  that rather the target is widely seen as the religion with which they deeply identify.

Finally it would be but a great occasion for my distinguished audience while watching the below shown YouTube video to understand that the large trend of American people are such Fantastic peace loving nation and mostly have such high profile awareness preventing them from absorbing and perceiving biased and ill fated propaganda as well as negative stereotypes intended to harm the ever growing Faith of Islam.
MOHAMMED. B. the Humble Freelance Writer
ملاحظة: إلى إخواني الناطقين باللغة العربية تستطيعون مشاهدة المقطع التالي لكونه مدبلج إلى اللغة العربية و شكرا.
كاميرا خفية ردود فعل الأمريكيين حين تهان مسلمة محجبه
A hidden camera to probe American’s reactions to a veiled Muslim Girl !!!!! Breath-taking!!

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