Malliana-Affreville-El-khemis mon Amour.




Notre ami Iliès Fernini. Enfant d'El-Khemis , actuellement aux Emirats Arabes Unis après de longues années aux Etats Unis d'Amérique.

United Arab Emirates University
Faculty of Science
Department of Physics
United Arab Emirates

Ph.D., University of New Mexico (USA), 1991




  • "Correction Scheme for Polarized Intensity", Leahy, J.P., and Fernini, I., Very Large Array Scientific Memorandum, No.161, NRAO, 1989.

  • "Astronomical Science from a Lunar Base", Duric, N., Fernini, I., and Burns, J.O., Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space II; Proc. of Space 90, The Second International Conference, Albuquerque, NM, Apr. 22-26, 1990, Vol. 1, New York, American Society of Civil Engineers, 666-676, 1990.

  • "Depolarization Asymmetry in the Quasar 3C 47", Fernini, I., Leahy, J.P., Burns, J.O, and Basart, J.P., Bull. American Astron. Soc., 22, 800, 1990.

  • "Dispersal of Gases Generated near a Lunar Outpost", Fernini, I., Burns, J.O., Taylor, J., Sulkamen, M., Duric, N., and Johnson, S., Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 27, No, 5, 527-538, 1990.

  • "Depolarization Asymmetry in the Quasar 3C 47", Fernini, I., Leahy, J.P., Burns, J.O., and Basart, J.P., Astrophysical Journal, 381:63-71, 1991.

  • "Artificially-Generated Atmosphere Near a Lunar Base",Burns, J.O., Fernini, I., Sulkamen, M., Duric, N., Taylor, J., and Johnson, S., Lunar Bases and Space Activities in the 21st Century, Vol. I, 347-350, NASA, Johnson Space Center, 1992.

  • "Islamic Science Contribution to Civilization", Fernini, I., Algerian Scientist, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1993.

  • "VLA Imaging of Five Fanaroff-Riley II 3CR Radio Galaxies: I", Fernini, I., Burns, J.O., Bridle, A.H., and Perley, R.A., Astronomical Journal, 105:1690-1709., 1993

  • "VLA Imaging of Fanaroff-Riley II 3CR Radio Galaxies: II New Images and Comparisons with 3CR Quasars", Fernini., I., Burns, J.O., and Perley, R.A., Astronomical Journal, 114:2292-2312, 1997.

  • "A Bibliography of Scholars in Medieval Islam", Fernini, I., Publisher: Cultural Foundation of Abu Dhabi (UAE), 611 pages, 1998.

  • "FRII Radio Galaxies and Quasars: The Depolarization Test", Fernini, I., Astronomical Journal, 122:83-92, 2001.

  • "8.4 GHz High Resolution Observations of Five FR II 3CR Radio Sources with 0.3 < z < 2.0", Fernini, I., Astronomical Journal, 123:132-141, 2002

  • "Hijrah Calendar for the Year 2003-2004, Naimiy, H.A., Fernini, I. , Obeidallah, I., Emirates Heritage Club, Abu-Dhabi (UAE), 221 pages, 2003

  • "Hijrah Calendar for the Year 2004-2005, Naimiy, H.A., Fernini, I. , Obeidallah, I., Emirates Heritage Club, Abu-Dhabi (UAE), 211 pages, 2004

  • "Morphology, Location, and Compactness of Hot Spots in FRII Radio Galaxies and Quasars", Fernini, I., under preparation, 2004

  • "Astronomical Observatories in Medieval Islam", Fernini, I., under preparation , 2004.

  • "Modern Foundations of Astronomy", Fernini, I., 250 pages, under editing, 2004.

  • "The New Solar System", Fernini, I., 300 pages, under editing, 2004.

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