Notre ami Iliès Fernini. Enfant d'El-Khemis , actuellement aux Emirats Arabes Unis après de longues années aux Etats Unis d'Amérique.
Ph.D., University of New Mexico (USA), 1991
- "Correction Scheme for Polarized Intensity", Leahy, J.P., and Fernini, I., Very Large Array Scientific Memorandum, No.161, NRAO, 1989.
- "Astronomical Science from a Lunar Base", Duric, N., Fernini, I., and Burns, J.O., Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space II; Proc. of Space 90, The Second International Conference, Albuquerque, NM, Apr. 22-26, 1990, Vol. 1, New York, American Society of Civil Engineers, 666-676, 1990.
- "Depolarization Asymmetry in the Quasar 3C 47", Fernini, I., Leahy, J.P., Burns, J.O, and Basart, J.P., Bull. American Astron. Soc., 22, 800, 1990.
- "Dispersal of Gases Generated near a Lunar Outpost", Fernini, I., Burns, J.O., Taylor, J., Sulkamen, M., Duric, N., and Johnson, S., Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 27, No, 5, 527-538, 1990.
- "Depolarization Asymmetry in the Quasar 3C 47", Fernini, I., Leahy, J.P., Burns, J.O., and Basart, J.P., Astrophysical Journal, 381:63-71, 1991.
- "Artificially-Generated Atmosphere Near a Lunar Base",Burns, J.O., Fernini, I., Sulkamen, M., Duric, N., Taylor, J., and Johnson, S., Lunar Bases and Space Activities in the 21st Century, Vol. I, 347-350, NASA, Johnson Space Center, 1992.
- "Islamic Science Contribution to Civilization", Fernini, I., Algerian Scientist, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1993.
- "VLA Imaging of Five Fanaroff-Riley II 3CR Radio Galaxies: I", Fernini, I., Burns, J.O., Bridle, A.H., and Perley, R.A., Astronomical Journal, 105:1690-1709., 1993
- "VLA Imaging of Fanaroff-Riley II 3CR Radio Galaxies: II New Images and Comparisons with 3CR Quasars", Fernini., I., Burns, J.O., and Perley, R.A., Astronomical Journal, 114:2292-2312, 1997.
- "A Bibliography of Scholars in Medieval Islam", Fernini, I., Publisher: Cultural Foundation of Abu Dhabi (UAE), 611 pages, 1998.
- "FRII Radio Galaxies and Quasars: The Depolarization Test", Fernini, I., Astronomical Journal, 122:83-92, 2001.
- "8.4 GHz High Resolution Observations of Five FR II 3CR Radio Sources with 0.3 < z < 2.0", Fernini, I., Astronomical Journal, 123:132-141, 2002
- "Hijrah Calendar for the Year 2003-2004, Naimiy, H.A., Fernini, I. , Obeidallah, I., Emirates Heritage Club, Abu-Dhabi (UAE), 221 pages, 2003
- "Hijrah Calendar for the Year 2004-2005, Naimiy, H.A., Fernini, I. , Obeidallah, I., Emirates Heritage Club, Abu-Dhabi (UAE), 211 pages, 2004
- "Morphology, Location, and Compactness of Hot Spots in FRII Radio Galaxies and Quasars", Fernini, I., under preparation, 2004
- "Astronomical Observatories in Medieval Islam", Fernini, I., under preparation , 2004.
- "Modern Foundations of Astronomy", Fernini, I., 250 pages, under editing, 2004.
- "The New Solar System", Fernini, I., 300 pages, under editing, 2004.
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